{"id":3061,"date":"2024-06-05T11:09:06","date_gmt":"2024-06-05T18:09:06","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/azgyn.com\/?p=3061"},"modified":"2024-06-05T11:09:06","modified_gmt":"2024-06-05T18:09:06","slug":"birth-control-options","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/azgyn.com\/blog\/birth-control-options\/","title":{"rendered":"A Closer Look at Birth Control Options"},"content":{"rendered":"

Contraceptives, informally known as birth control, can help prevent pregnancy when you aren\u2019t ready for or don\u2019t want to have children. When you\u2019re considering which contraceptive is \u201cright\u201d or \u201cbest,” remember that there is no one-size-fits-all method. Any type of birth control has its upsides and downsides, depending on the user. Some methods also provide additional benefits or alternative uses.<\/p>\n

It\u2019s important to learn more about the types of birth control, whether you\u2019re looking to switch or have minimal experience. You can then consider your own personal goals, the contraceptive\u2019s degree of effectiveness, and how convenient or inconvenient it is for you so you can make an informed decision. We\u2019ve compiled this information about the various methods of birth control, how to determine what could be ideal for you, common misconceptions, and more.<\/p>\n

Factors to Consider when Choosing a Contraceptive Method<\/h2>\n

The first factor most people must consider when choosing a birth control method is accessibility; how accessible are the various methods for you? Will your insurance cover birth control, or is there a copay? Are you able to get it at your local drugstore or the pharmacy, or is a medical professional needed? After you\u2019ve identified a list of affordable options or those covered by insurance, it\u2019s important to consider a few other factors to narrow the list to the best birth control for you.<\/p>\n

Your Lifestyle and Preferences Can Influence What Works for You<\/h3>\n

Your lifestyle has a significant role to play in your birth control choice. For example, if you don\u2019t have sex often, you may be fine relying on condoms since they\u2019re affordable, and you won\u2019t need to replenish your supply often. Alternatively, if you live a busy lifestyle but have sex a bit more often, you might want to consider hormonal birth control; while some forms of hormonal birth control need to be picked up on a regular basis, they can provide consistent protection. As a result, there\u2019s no need to plan or worry about having unprotected sex if your method has constant coverage and only a monthly pick-up.<\/p>\n

It should be noted that all forms of birth control can only be at their peak effectiveness when used correctly. For that reason, a critical question to ask yourself is whether you will be able to use it correctly as is required every time. Some hormonal contraceptives take a bit more effort to use as instructed. For example, the Pill, which needs to be taken daily, may be more difficult for busy or forgetful individuals to take correctly. For those individuals, condoms or an IUD may be more viable options.<\/p>\n

Your sexual activity will also have a large bearing on which contraceptives are likely to be more practical for you. Do you need additional protection from HIV and other sexual infections? It\u2019s important to remember that hormonal birth control alone will not prevent you from contracting an STI. However, they can be used in tandem with condoms, which are the only way to prevent STIs.<\/p>\n

Finally, it\u2019s critical to consider whether you want to have kids in the near future. If not, there are methods that can last for years and some that last indefinitely after only one procedure. If you might want children within the next couple of years, the choice of contraceptive may have some impact on how soon you can conceive after stopping use. For example, if you want kids after coming off hormonal birth control, understand that it may take several months. However, if you want children soon and have a copper IUD, pregnancy may be possible as soon as the device is removed.<\/p>\n

Your Health Is an Important Component<\/h3>\n

It\u2019s also important to consider the limits your health may place on the use of certain birth control methods. You\u2019ll need to consider the potential side effects of a particular contraceptive. Are there minor, manageable inconveniences, or are the effects likely to be more significant for you? We are all unique in that our bodies will respond to the same stimuli differently, and what may be a small downside to one person may be debilitating to another.<\/p>\n

You should also consider whether you have any health conditions or predispositions that make a certain method unviable. Alternatively, would a certain contraceptive actually help alleviate what\u2019s afflicting you? Some types of hormonal pills can help people regulate irregular or heavy periods due to polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), endometriosis, and other problems. Talking with your healthcare provider can allow you to get clarity on any aspect of birth control you\u2019re unsure about, including helping you answer these questions.<\/p>\n

It\u2019s also beneficial to receive a medical professional\u2019s insight into what the ideal type of contraception is for your unique biology, lifestyle, and preferences. They know best how various types of birth control<\/a> may impact your health or aren\u2019t wise to try at all. You\u2019ll likely find that seeing a gynecologist (a healthcare provider who focuses on women\u2019s sexual health) is a more comfortable or reassuring environment to discuss birth control rather than your general practitioner.<\/p>\n

Types of Birth Control Options<\/h2>\n


Below are the different categories of contraceptives, specific methods\/procedures, and their pros and cons.<\/p>\n

Non-Hormonal Methods<\/span><\/h3>\n

As mentioned, there are many misconceptions about contraceptives. One is that the Pill and condoms are the predominant methods used for birth control. In fact, IUDs and implants have been on the rise in recent years, so it\u2019s important to remember that everyone\u2019s needs and what\u2019s accessible will differ.<\/p>\n

Most non-hormonal birth control methods are barrier methods that work by preventing sperm from reaching\/fertilizing the egg. There are also some more involved, long-term types of contraception ranging in degree of invasiveness, such as IUDs and getting your tubes tied. Only condoms can prevent STIs.<\/p>\n

Types of Barrier Birth Control<\/span><\/h4>\n

Male condoms are thin coverings made of either latex, plastic, or lambskin. They are used externally and cover the male penis.<\/p>\n

Female condoms are lubricated plastic tubes with flexible rings at either end, with one end closed. These are used internally and are inserted into the vagina.<\/p>\n

Both are widely available in stores, cost-effective, and up to 85% and 79% effective, respectively. Both prevent semen from entering the uterus and must be used every time sexual intercourse takes place. Male condoms provide very effective STI protection, while female condoms may provide some.<\/p>\n


Spermicide is a gel that prevents sperm from reaching the egg. It can be used alone (70% effective) or with an external condom, diaphragm, or cervical cap (94% effective). It must be used each time you have intercourse and is available at most drugstores or with a prescription (up to $270).<\/p>\n

Diaphragm\/Cervical Cap\/Sponge<\/h5>\n

Diaphragms, cervical caps, and contraceptive sponges are all inserted vaginally, to be used every time (up to 88% effective). Sponges, available in most drugstores, contain spermicide. Diaphragms\/caps are flexible cups designed to be used with spermicide and require a provider to determine the appropriate size for you.<\/p>\n

Other Types of Non-Hormonal Contraceptives<\/span><\/h4>\n
Copper IUDs<\/h5>\n

A copper intrauterine device (IUD) is a small, T-shaped piece of copper-wrapped plastic to be inserted once by a provider when prescribed (if not covered by insurance, costs up to $1300). It can last up to 10 years and is low-maintenance.<\/p>\n

They work by releasing a small amount of copper that causes a mild inflammatory response that prevents sperm from fertilizing the egg. IUDs are unnoticeable when placed correctly. They are very effective (up to 99%) and, upon wanting to conceive, easily removable. They can also be used as an emergency contraceptive when placed within five days of unprotected sex.<\/p><\/div>\n



A common concern is they may get lost or tear your uterus; while possible, it\u2019s rare and unlikely. Some IUDs can expel or cause a benign perforation in the uterus upon insertion but only occur in 2-10% and 0.10% of users, respectively.<\/p>\n

Fertility Awareness\/Natural Family Planning<\/h5>\n

Also called the natural rhythm, or calendar, method, this refers to tracking your cycle to learn which days pregnancy is more likely (ovulation). Then, you can abstain from sex or use other birth control.<\/p>\n

This plan is relatively inexpensive, has no side effects, and works best for those with regular periods. However, it isn\u2019t nearly as effective (75-88%) as other methods. Ovulation home test kits and fertility monitors can help.<\/p>\n

Permanent Birth Control\/Sterilization<\/h5>\n

Male vasectomies and female tubal ligations are very effective (99%) and permanent. Depending on insurance, the procedure may be covered or cost up to $1,000 or $6,000, respectively.<\/p>\n

Hormonal Contraceptives<\/span><\/h3>\n

Most hormonal contraceptives use the female hormones progestin and estrogen. They work by preventing the ovaries from releasing an egg each month and causing other changes that lower the chances of pregnancy. Long-term and short-term options are available depending on individual preferences. Using them alone will not protect you or your partner from STIs, but using them in tandem with condoms can help you achieve additional protection.<\/p>\n

Misconceptions and Myths<\/span><\/h4>\n

A common birth control myth<\/a> is that hormonal contraceptives will unbalance your natural hormones and cause adverse effects on your mood. However, since the hormones in birth control are very similar to those already found in women\u2019s bodies, stress is more likely to affect your hormones than contraceptives. If you\u2019re concerned about hormones, a potential option could be a copper IUD over one that utilizes hormone release.<\/p>\n

Another pervasive worry is that hormonal options can cause cancer, but there is no evidence supporting this. In fact, some hormonal options may actually reduce the risk of ovarian or uterine cancer. Similarly, the misconception that birth control will harm your fertility or the ability to have kids in the future is also inaccurate; hormonal contraceptives are unlikely to affect your ability to conceive beyond your body\u2019s natural ability. This is why women can get pregnant if they miss several pills. The majority of birth control options are entirely reversible.<\/p><\/div>\n



Another common misconception about hormonal birth control, specifically, is that it will make you gain weight. The truth is that each type of birth control has a different effect on your body, and nobody\u2019s experience is universal. Researchers have yet to find a direct correlation between hormonal contraceptive usage and weight gain. Many women begin using birth control during a time when their body is already naturally gaining weight and changing overall, so it can be hard to know whether the contraceptive is a contributing factor or not.<\/p>\n

The birth control shot may increase a person\u2019s appetite, so there may be a potential for weight gain. Still, as with most lifestyle changes, a healthy diet and regular exercise can help you feel more regulated. Low-maintenance birth control methods like hormonal IUDs and the implant contain progestins, which are not known to cause weight gain.<\/p>\n

Long-Acting Reversible Contraceptives (LARCs)<\/span><\/h4>\n
Hormonal IUDs<\/h5>\n

These are much the same as copper IUDs, including the benefits, but instead release a small amount of progestin to prevent pregnancy (99% effective). They can last from three to eight years, depending on the type. Potential side effects may include irregular, heavy, and\/or painful periods.<\/p>\n

Birth Control Implant<\/h5>\n

A small rod is placed under the skin by a provider when prescribed, lasting up to three years. It releases progestin, is very effective (99%), low-maintenance and costs up to $2200 when not covered by insurance. Potential side effects include irregular bleeding, period loss, sore breasts, and headaches.<\/p>\n

Short-Acting Hormonal Methods<\/span><\/h4>\n

Prescribed pills must be taken consistently at the same time every day for maximum effectiveness (93%). They take about a month to take effect, but onwards, they provide constant protection, even during your period or when forgetting a pill. It may cost up to $50, depending on insurance. Lower-hormone mini-pills are also available to help prevent side effects.<\/p>\n

Other benefits include lighter and\/or regulated periods, less cramping, reduced acne, and minimal PMS. Side effects can include temporary breast tenderness, nausea, headaches, and period irregularity. Those containing estrogen also increase the risk of blood clots.<\/p>\n

Hormonal Patch<\/h5>\n

The patch is worn on the skin and releases hormones to be absorbed. It must be replaced weekly with one week off monthly. Its effectiveness (93%) is dependent on consistent use, and it may cost up to $150.<\/p>\n

Hormonal Ring<\/h5>\n

Vaginal rings are inserted into the vagina and release hormones that prevent pregnancy. They require a prescription and are to be replaced monthly, some lasting longer than others. These are 91% effective and, depending on insurance, may cost up to $200.<\/p>\n


The shot can be administered by a doctor\/nurse every three months when prescribed. The progestin contained in the shot prevents ovulation and prevents sperm from reaching the egg by thickening cervical mucus. Shots are 96% effective and cost up to $150.<\/p>\n

Emergency Contraception Pills (ECPs)<\/h5>\n

Also called the morning-after pill or Plan B, this birth control option can be provided over-the-counter or as prescribed. It is most effective (90%) soon after unprotected sex but may be effective for up to five days afterward.<\/p>\n

ECPs are meant to be used when another contraceptive malfunctions or is forgotten. They are not designed for regular use, as taking them routinely can render them less effective. If you are already pregnant or become pregnant despite taking the ECP, it will not cause harm.<\/p>\n

Trust Arizona Gynecology Consultants for Your Birth Control Needs<\/h2>\n

\nIf you are searching for the ideal contraceptive for your needs, it\u2019s critical to consider all the factors listed above. To ensure you find the best fit for you, schedule an appointment with a trusted gynecologist. Our AZGYN team can help you narrow down the options, provide you with professional advice from our extensive experience, and write a prescription as needed.
Schedule an appointment<\/a> today.<\/p>\n




  1. Kaiser Family Foundation. (2022, November 3). Contraception in the United States: A closer look at experiences, preferences, and coverage<\/i>. Retrieved from https:\/\/www.kff.org\/womens-health-policy\/report\/contraception-in-the-united-states-a-closer-look-at-experiences-preferences-and-coverage\/<\/a><\/li>\n
  2. Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. (n.d.). Choose the right birth control<\/i>. Health.gov. Retrieved from https:\/\/health.gov\/myhealthfinder\/healthy-living\/sexual-health\/choose-right-birth-control<\/a><\/li>\n
  3. Office on Women’s Health. (n.d.). Birth control methods<\/i>. Women’s Health. Retrieved from https:\/\/www.womenshealth.gov\/a-z-topics\/birth-control-methods<\/a><\/li>\n
  4. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (n.d.). Contraceptive use<\/i>. Retrieved from https:\/\/www.cdc.gov\/nchs\/fastats\/contraceptive.htm<\/a><\/li>\n
  5. Nationwide Children’s Hospital. (2011). Birth Control Myths<\/i>. Nationwidechildrens.org. https:\/\/www.nationwidechildrens.org\/specialties\/bc4teens\/resources\/birth-control-myths<\/a><\/li>\n<\/ol>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

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Dr. Roy is also a consultant to the medical device industry and has participated in the design and clinical testing of many instruments and surgical devices available on the world-wide market today. 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