Arizona Gynecology Consultants hosting Film Screening of the Groundbreaking PBS Documentary Below the Belt March 29th in Phoenix Arizona.
Arizona Gynecology Consultants is excited to host a screening educating the community about the life impacting disease of endometriosis. The PBS documentary “Below the Belt” shares four patient stories and the struggles they faced trying to be validated for their symptoms while navigating a broken healthcare system and the complexity of their disease.
From societal taboos and gender bias to inadequate training of many providers and surgeons, profit-driven healthcare, and a general lack of prioritizing women’s health by government, the film explores how so many vulnerable women are effectively dismissed and ignored. This often leads to a life of chronic pain, infertility, and other potentially preventable diseases. The film exposes widespread problems in our healthcare system forcing millions to suffer in silence.
Arizona Gynecology Consultants is committed to a different experience for these women and has always supported early surgical diagnosis and effective, individualized post-surgical treatments.
The event will take place at the end of Endometriosis Awareness Month on March 29th at 6pm at Chateau Luxe Event Venue 1175 E. Lone Cactus Dr. Phoenix, AZ 85024 and will be a wonderful community filled evening.
In addition to screening the film, we will have an open reception with artists, refreshments, vendors supporting the early diagnosis of the disease and effective therapies, and a panel featuring experts and special guests who will discuss the urgent issues presented by the film.
We cannot do it alone and are proud to sponsor the screening of this film. We hope that this event will encourage our community partners to join with us to create awareness.
For tickets, register below.
For more information or if you are interested in being a vendor for this event, please contact Ariana Davis at 602-358-6959 or email
To Register for Tickets:
Nurse Practitioner
Kristina Calligan is a sub-specialty nurse practitioner in Women’s Health. A native to Arizona she obtained her Bachelor of Science in nursing in 2006 at Grand Canyon University in Glendale, Arizona. Never one to stop striving and achieving all that she could, she completed two master degrees in Nursing Science and Business Administration in 2012. Ms. Calligan joined Arizona Gynecology Consultants in 2009. Prior to working at Arizona Gynecology Consultants, she worked as a nurse in labor and delivery at several local hospitals and a research coordinator in women’s health care.