Tag Archives: Diet and Exercise

Health Hacks for Busy Women

Easy Health Hacks for Busy Women

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A recent poll found that four out of ten women worldwide report experiencing chronic stress. Meanwhile, 24% of women report having health problems that keep them from performing normal activities that are typical for women their age. Unfortunately, far too many women either can’t or don’t take the time to address them.

Women often face unique barriers that prevent them from seeking medical help. The demands of work and child-rearing can cause many people to put off prioritizing their health as they prioritize the needs of others. If this describes you, know that you don’t need to overhaul your schedule or give up your leisure time to begin making a difference in your health. In fact, a few simple changes may be all you need to improve your well-being.

Simple Health Tips for Busy Women

These simple health life hacks can help get you on the road to better health until you can make more lasting changes.

Find Creative Ways To Work Out

Increasing the time you spend elevating your heart rate doesn’t need to mean scheduling more time at the gym.

There are plenty of creative ways to fit a little blood-pumping workout into a busy day.

  • Find a Faraway Spot – When you’re parking at work or running errands, choose a spot towards the back of the lot or far away from the building entrance. This can greatly increase the distance you walk during the day.
  • Get Stepping – Consider climbing stairs instead of taking the elevator. Or, during lunch breaks, find a nearby space to put in 30 minutes of walking.
  • Multitask with Healthy Habits – If you enjoy long phone calls with friends and family on the weekends, put on Bluetooth earbuds and take those chats outside. You can have conversations with friends while you walk about the block or visit a nearby park.

As little as 30 minutes per day of light exercise can significantly improve heart health and overall fitness. You can also find countless short workouts online, so take your pick and find ways to integrate those activities into your normal routine.

Stock Healthy Foods in Your Kitchen

Shop for Healthy FoodsOne of the most popular and effective life hacks for busy women involves stocking your kitchen with healthy foods. If you’re like most of us, you already shop for groceries, so simply replacing foods high in sugar with healthier options won’t add to your schedule. Anything packed with preservatives or artificial flavors or colors should similarly be cut from your kitchen.

The old adage of “out of sight, out of mind” applies here. When unhealthy foods are out of sight, you’ll be pleasantly surprised that they remain out of your mind, helping you eat healthier without devoting a lot of excess time and energy. By reducing sugary and starchy food items, you can prevent spikes in blood sugar. Opt for products that include whole grains, fresh fruit, fresh vegetables, and lean protein.

One added benefit of this approach is balancing your energy level. When your blood sugar levels do not spike and drop throughout the day, you can enjoy the benefits of balanced energy. Imagine no more mid-day crashes.

Change Up Your Lunch Time

Takeout and processed freezer meals can wreak havoc on your wallet and your health. Consider packing lunch and focusing on a variety of plants and fewer breads and sugars. A balance of carbs, proteins, and healthy fats is essential for your health.

Changing up your lunch can be even simpler than changing the foods you eat. By starting lunch one hour early or later, you can avoid the stress of lunch crowds and you’ll be better able to focus on your food. Remaining focused on the tastes, smells, and other sensations as you eat- a process called mindful eating – can help you recognize when you’re full and reduce the calories you take in.

Be Mindful of How You Snack

Even if you’ve successfully switched up how you’re eating at lunch, there’s still that mid-afternoon lull that can lead to unwise snacking and undo all the healthy things you ate at lunch. Don’t stress; we all get hungry throughout the day, and if it’s unaddressed, hunger can lead to headaches, fatigue, and irritability. Eating healthy snacks can help you maintain your energy levels and prevent overeating at mealtimes.

Opt for nuts, seeds, vegetables, and anything high in protein and fiber. Fiber allows nutrients to reach farther into your digestive system, which can help nourish important gut bacteria that aid in digestion. Look for whole foods that do not have additives and preservatives.

Easy Tips for Proper Nutrition

If you need more of a nutrition overhaul, forget the latest fad diets. Depriving your body of a particular food group can be a recipe for disaster because you need a wide range of nutrients to function properly. It can also affect the gut.

If your gut isn’t healthy, nutrient absorption suffers, which can impact your overall health. Nutrients also reduce the risk of many diseases. Women, in particular, should be mindful of calcium and vitamin D intake, which can improve the density of your bones and reduce the risk of bone injuries, especially as you age. Proper nutrient intake can even help you look younger or begin to slow the signs of aging.

Keep these useful tips in mind.

  • Incorporate leafy greens. Foods like kale, spinach, beet tops, and avocados are rich in fiber and nutrients, including magnesium, which balances calcium levels and prevents cramps.
  • Reduce salt and increase potassium. Lower your sodium intake and eat potassium-rich foods such as avocados, tomatoes, and bananas to promote heart health and proper circulation.
  • Nurture gut bacteria. Beneficial gut bacteria aid in nutrient absorption. Include probiotic foods like yogurt, sauerkraut, and pickles in your diet, along with plenty of fiber.
  • Eat a rainbow. A varied diet with colorful fruits and vegetables ensures a broad range of nutrients, supporting overall health.
  • Stay hydrated. Drink six to eight glasses of water daily to maintain steady energy levels and aid digestion. Herbal teas without additives can also help with hydration.
  • Choose whole foods. Avoid processed foods and prepare wholesome meals. Opt for healthy snacks like nuts, seeds, and fruits instead of junk food.

Start and End Each Day With Water

Drink Water Stay Hydrated

Water is essential for life. By contrast, dehydration can lead to health problems and potential organ damage. Starting your day with a glass of water is an easy way to set the tone for the rest of your day and ensure your kidneys and other organs are functioning well. This, in turn, can aid your body’s natural detoxification processes.

Drinking a glass of water at night helps your body function properly while you sleep. You may find that your sleep is deeper and more revitalizing. If you suffer from fatigue, headaches, and mental fatigue – all signs of dehydration – staying hydrated can be an important first step to better sleep.

If you don’t find water appealing on its own, you can add mint, lemon, frozen berries, or other natural ingredients to enhance the flavor. Herbal teas (as long as they aren’t high in caffeine) can also be a great source of hydration.

Wake Up Earlier

We can’t all be morning people, but waking up even just 30 minutes earlier can give you time for exercise, meal prepping, meditation, and other wellness activities. If you wake up without enough time to start your day, you may be creating a hectic pattern that stresses your body and leads to health problems.

Find Breaks Throughout Your Day

Whether you literally stop to smell the roses or simply pause to notice your breath, taking periodic breaks throughout your day can help your mind and body reset. This can reduce blood pressure, heart rate, and stress levels.

Of course, a break doesn’t always mean stopping or slowing your body and mind; it simply means intently breaking out of your set patterns. If your job requires you to sit for long periods of time, consider taking short breaks to walk, get a drink of water, stretch, or do another preferred activity. These small breaks in your routine can benefit your physical and mental health.

Stop Trying To Solve Your Problems by Multi-Tasking

Except for making an effort to stay active when you’re performing sedentary activities like talking on the phone, multitasking is not one of our recommended health life hacks. The brain simply focuses best on one thing at a time, so most efforts at multi-tasking are really examples of sacrificing one task at the cost of another. Multi-tasking may seem like one solution to address your busy schedule, but it can lead to decreased productivity and stress. Instead, focus on one task at a time and be mindful and present in the moment.

Get Outside

Most of us could use more time outdoors. Exposure to safe levels of sunlight can boost vitamin D, which can help with important body functions like sleep. Try to start your day by spending time outdoors. It can awaken your mind and body in a natural and healthy manner.

Monitor Your Hormones

Monitor Your Hormones

Hormone fluctuation is natural, especially for women, but a medical professional can help you understand the difference between a normal and abnormal change in hormones. For example, menopause affects your hormones in a way that is expected, but a cortisol or adrenaline disorder can disrupt your hormones and cause other concerns. Tracking your menstrual cycle is a solid way to start because you can begin to monitor changes in symptoms and mood.

Prioritize Sleep

The importance of sleep cannot be overstated. Sleep helps your body regulate hormones, recharge, heal, and reduce the risk of mood disorders, among many other important benefits. Better sleep can also make you more productive during the day. To achieve these benefits, the average adult should seek seven to nine hours of sleep per night.

While true sleep disorders require medical help or even medication, everyone can benefit from a regular sleep routine. Try to go to sleep around the same time every night and eliminate screen time a few hours before bed. Reduce caffeine or alcohol consumption well before bedtime because those substances can interfere with sleep patterns – consider replacing them with herbal tea.

Some people find that “white noise” helps with sleep; this could be something as simple as a fan or as sophisticated as a white noise app or white noise machine. Keeping your home cool at night and investing in a quality bed, blanket, and pillows can also boost your chances of achieving great sleep. In general, try to end your days reading or doing something relaxing that can help you de-stress and stay content before sleep.

Reduce the Time You Spend on Social Media

Some social media time probably won’t hurt you, but far too many Americans of all ages spend hours per day engaging with people via their phones rather than in real life. Time on social media is time away from your loved ones, as well as time you aren’t exercising your body or cultivating your mind. Social media can also contribute to stress.

Try setting boundaries for your screen time by allotting set windows of time for scrolling online. You can use the time you free up to engage in resting, cooking, or exercising. Time spent interacting with people in person is always more rewarding and meaningful than viewing posts that are designed to be addictive.

An easy way to start is to turn off social media app notifications. Software engineers are well aware that social media delivers dopamine rewards that can be very addictive and hard to ignore, and seeing that notification alert can be the trigger that keeps you engaged in social media rather than with friends and family. Turning off those notifications removes the temptation for you so you can stick to your boundaries.

Final Thoughts

Health life hacks offer strategies and tricks for improving your health and reducing your risk factors for certain conditions and diseases. However, hacks are no replacement for regular medical examinations by a trusted physician. Regular doctor visits are essential for early disease detection and overall health.

Key screening tests that may be recommended by your physician include blood pressure checks every two years if normal or yearly if elevated. Bone density should also be tested as recommended, typically once after age 65 or earlier if symptoms arise. Women aged 50-75 should also get mammograms every two years for breast cancer detection.

Your doctor can be a valuable resource for reminding you when you’ll need to undergo examinations and screenings. Each patient is unique and comes with their own medical history, family medical history, risk factors, and other unique factors that a medical professional can consider. So, after you’ve implemented your favorite health hacks, continue to monitor your health and seek advice from your favorite physician.

Contact Arizona Gynecology Consultants Today

Arizona Gynecology Consultants

Not feeling your best these days despite doing what you can to boost your wellness? Sometimes, it’s more than just being a little stressed or tired, and Arizona Gynecology Consultants can help. We strive to treat each patient as a whole person since women’s needs evolve throughout their lifetime. If something more serious is afoot, we can utilize the latest non-invasive techniques to ensure the care we provide comes with minimal disruptions to your life and wellness.

Our team of knowledgeable doctors, surgeons, and clinical specialists have decades of knowledge in women’s health. Whether you need practical advice on the latest “hacks” for staying healthy or more comprehensive medical help, we’re here to provide you with the treatments and advice you need.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment.


  1. Inc, G. (2024, January 16). Global Study Issues Wake-Up Call for Women’s Health. Gallup.com. https://news.gallup.com/poll/547712/global-study-issues-wake-call-women-health.aspx
  2. Just 30 minutes of light exercise each day can benefit health. (2018, January 29). Www.medicalnewstoday.com. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/320760#:~:text=Replacing%20sedentary%20time%20with%20just
Healthy Substitutions for Comfort Foods

Healthy Substitutions for Your Favorite Comfort Foods

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Comfort foods like pizza, mac and cheese, and even the traditional burger are beloved staples in many households. However, as soothing as it can be to settle in with your favorites, they’re often made with unhealthy processed ingredients and are high in fats and sugars– none of which tend to coincide with your nutrition or weight loss goals.

Fortunately, there are ways to enjoy your favorite dishes with healthier substitutions that taste just as great.

Healthy Recipes Can Also Satisfy Cravings

Comfort food is comforting because, in part, it both fulfills a craving and creates a sense of nostalgia. By making some healthy substitutions and swapping out processed ingredients for delicious and nutritious alternatives, you can satisfy your cravings, achieve that same nostalgia, and stay healthy while doing it. Whether you’re trying to lose weight or just want to improve your health, here are some healthier alternatives to your favorite comfort foods.

Whole Wheat Lavash Veggie Pizza

Whole Wheat Lavash Veggie Pizza

This whole wheat lavash veggie pizza has a thin and crispy crust topped with vibrant veggies and yummy cheese. You’ll eliminate processed white flour and cured meats while adding whole grains and plenty of veggies.

Makes: 2 servings

To make this Whole Wheat Lavash Veggie Pizza, you’ll need:

  • 2 whole wheat lavash flatbreads
  • 1 c mozzarella cheese, shredded (or vegan alternative)
  • 1 c tomato sauce
  • 1/2 c sliced bell peppers
  • 1/2 c sliced mushrooms
  • 1/2 c sliced red onion
  • 1/2 c sliced cherry tomatoes
  • 1/4 c sliced black olives
  • Optional: Fresh basil leaves, torn
  • Optional: Crushed red pepper flakes

  1. Preheat the oven to 400°F.
  2. Place lavash flatbreads on parchment paper-lined baking sheets.
  3. Spread half of the tomato sauce evenly over each lavash flatbread. Leave a small border for the crust.
  4. Sprinkle half of the shredded mozzarella cheese over each lavash flatbread.
  5. Add sliced vegetables on top of the cheese.
  6. Bake for 8-10 minutes or until bread is crisp and cheese has melted.
  7. Remove from oven and cool.
  8. Optional: Garnish with basil and crushed red pepper flakes.
  9. Serve

Butternut Squash Mac and Cheese

Butternut Squash Mac and Cheese

This creamy mac and cheese is made with butternut squash and low-fat or nondairy milk. You can eliminate some unnecessary starch and fat while adding the vitamin A and flavor of butternut squash.

Makes: 4 servings

To make this Butternut Squash Mac and Cheese, you’ll need:

  • 2 c butternut squash, diced
  • 8 oz. whole wheat or gluten-free pasta
  • 1 c milk (low-fat or nut-alternative)
  • 1 c sharp cheddar cheese, shredded (or vegan alternative)
  • 1 Tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tsp garlic powder
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Garlic powder to taste
  • Onion powder to taste
  • Optional: ¼ c nutritional yeast

  1. Cook the pasta according to the instructions listed on the package.
  2. Drain pasta and set it aside.
  3. Cook the diced butternut squash in boiling water for about 10 minutes or until tender.
  4. Drain squash and place in a blender.
  5. Add milk, cheddar cheese, nutritional yeast (optional), olive oil, and seasonings to the blender with the cooked butternut squash. Blend until creamy and smooth.
  6. In a large saucepan, combine the cooked pasta and butternut squash cheese sauce.
  7. Cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally.
  8. Enjoy!

Turkey Burger Lettuce Wraps

Turkey Burger Lettuce Wraps

These turkey burger lettuce wraps are a flavorful, lighter alternative to traditional beef burgers. Turkey is a lean, heart-healthy meat that can pack plenty of flavor if seasoned well, while foregoing the traditional bun can eliminate extra calories and starches while adding some delightful crunch.

Makes: 4 servings

To make these Turkey Burger Lettuce Wraps, you’ll need:

  • 1 lb lean ground turkey
  • 1/4 c chopped onion
  • 2 cloves minced garlic
  • 1 tsp Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 tsp smoked paprika
  • Salt and pepper
  • Lettuce leaves
  • Optional: Sliced tomato, avocado, or red onion

  1. In a mixing bowl, combine the ground turkey, chopped onion, minced garlic, Worcestershire sauce, smoked paprika, salt, and pepper. Mix well.
  2. Divide the mixture into 4 equal portions and shape them into patties.
  3. Heat a grill or skillet to medium heat. Cook the patties for 4-5 minutes on each side or until 165°F.
  4. Assemble lettuce wraps – place turkey burger patty on a lettuce leaf and top with sliced tomato, avocado, and red onion if desired.
  5. Serve.

Pesto Zucchini Noodles

Pesto Zucchini Noodles

This is a gluten- and processed flour-free alternative to traditional high-carb pasta. Plus, you’ll add vitamin C and B6, as well as minerals like magnesium, calcium, iron, and potassium. If you don’t already have a spiralizer, we highly recommend exploring the potential of spiralized veggies in place of most noodles.

Makes: 2 servings

To make these Pesto Zucchini Noodles, you’ll need:

  • 2 medium zucchinis, spiralized
  • 1 c fresh basil leaves
  • 1/4 c pine nuts or almonds
  • 1/4 c Parmesan cheese, grated (or vegan alternative)
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1/4 c extra virgin olive oil
  • Salt and pepper

  1. Combine the basil leaves, pine or almond nuts, parmesan cheese, and seasonings in a food processor until finely chopped.
  2. Gradually drizzle the olive oil into the mixture until the pesto reaches a smooth consistency.
  3. In a large skillet, heat a tablespoon of olive oil over medium heat. Add the zucchini noodles and sauté for 2-3 minutes until tender.
  4. Moved cooked zucchini noodles to a serving dish.
  5. Toss with the homemade pesto.
  6. Garnish with additional parmesan cheese and fresh basil if needed.
  7. Enjoy!

Greek Yogurt Ranch

Greek Yogurt Ranch

This creamy, tangy, Greek yogurt-based ranch is perfect for dipping chips and veggies. You’ll have all the flavor of ranch – one of America’s signature comfort condiments – without nearly the saturated fat and sodium. Better yet, you’ll get some protein, healthy fats, and fresh herbs (packed with vitamins A, C, and B as well as antioxidants and polyphenols) as an added bonus.

Makes: 1 cup of dip

To make this Greek Yogurt Ranch, you’ll need:

  • 1 c plain Greek yogurt (or vegan alternative)
  • 1 Tbsp fresh chopped parsley
  • 2 Tbsp fresh chopped dill
  • 1 clove garlic, minced
  • 1 Tbsp lemon juice
  • 1/2 t onion powder
  • Salt and pepper to taste

  1. Combine the plain Greek yogurt, chopped fresh dill, chopped fresh parsley, minced garlic, onion powder, lemon juice, salt, and pepper. Stir well.
  2. Refrigerate for at least 30 minutes and serve chilled.

Notes: For a thinner consistency – ideal if you’d like to drizzle or dunk instead of dip – feel free to add a splash of water or milk.

Cauliflower Alfredo Pasta

Cauliflower Alfredo Pasta

This pasta is a creamy, healthier twist on the classic alfredo pasta. You’ll get the hearty flavor of the pasta beefed up by some veggies that take on the flavor of the sauce – plus some protein, vitamins B and C, iron, magnesium, and calcium.

Makes: 4 Servings

To make this Cauliflower Alfredo Pasta, you’ll need:

  • 8 oz whole grain or gluten-free pasta
  • 1 head chopped cauliflower florets
  • 2 cloves minced garlic
  • 1/4 c nutritional yeast
  • 1 c low-sodium vegetable broth
  • 2 Tbsp olive oil
  • 1 Tbsp lemon juice
  • Salt and pepper
  • Optional: Fresh chopped parsley

  1. Cook the pasta according to the instructions listed on the package.
  2. Drain pasta and set it aside.
  3. Boil cauliflower florets for about 10 minutes or until tender.
  4. Drain and move to a blender.
  5. Add minced garlic, vegetable broth, nutritional yeast, lemon juice, olive oil, salt, and pepper to the blender with the cooked cauliflower. Blend until smooth, adding vegetable broth if needed.
  6. In a large skillet, heat sauce over medium heat
  7. Add cooked pasta to skillet with sauce and toss until evenly coated.
  8. Serve and enjoy!

Cauliflower Pizza

Cauliflower Pizza

This is a low-carb alternative to traditional pizza crust. You’ll add all the vitamins and minerals of cauliflower without the processed white flour.

Makes: 2-3 Servings

To make this Cauliflower Pizza you’ll need:

  • 1 head cauliflower, grated
  • 1 egg
  • 1/2 c mozzarella cheese, shredded (or vegan alternative)
  • 1/2 t garlic powder
  • 1 tsp dried oregano
  • Salt and pepper
  • Pizza toppings of your choice (keep it to veggies, fresh herbs, and lean proteins like chicken and ground turkey)

  1. Preheat oven to 400°F.
  2. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  3. In a bowl, combine grated cauliflower, egg, oregano, mozzarella cheese, garlic powder, salt, and pepper. Mix well.
  4. Put cauliflower mixture on a baking sheet and shape it into a round crust.
  5. Bake crust for 20-25 minutes or until golden brown.
  6. Remove the crust from the oven and add toppings.
  7. Bake for an additional 10-15 minutes or until the cheese is melted.
  8. Slice and serve.

Quinoa Stuffed Bell Peppers

Quinoa Stuffed Bell Peppers

These stuffed bell peppers are bursting with southwest flavor and packed with veggies plus nearly twice the nutritious protein and fiber as the traditional rice-stuffed peppers. In addition, quinoa has a lower glycemic index than rice, which can help you control your blood sugar.

Makes: 4 Servings

To make these quinoa-stuffed bell peppers, you’ll need:

  • 4 large bell peppers (cut in half and seeds removed)
  • 1 c quinoa
  • 1 c diced tomatoes
  • 1 c black beans, drained and rinsed
  • 1 c corn kernels (fresh or frozen)
  • ½ c red onion, diced
  • ½ c cheddar cheese, shredded (or vegan alternative)
  • ½ tsp cumin
  • 1 tsp chili powder
  • Salt and pepper
  • Optional: Fresh chopped cilantro

  1. Preheat the oven to 375°F.
  2. Cook quinoa according to the package.
  3. Arrange bell pepper halves in a baking dish with the cut side up.
  4. In a mixing bowl, combine the cooked quinoa, black beans, diced tomatoes, corn kernels, diced red onion, shredded cheddar cheese, and seasonings. Mix well.
  5. Spoon the quinoa mixture evenly into each bell pepper half.
  6. Cover the baking dish with foil.
  7. Bake for 25-30 minutes or until the peppers are tender.
  8. Uncover and bake for an additional 5 minutes.
  9. Optional: Garnish with cilantro.
  10. Enjoy!

Sweet Potato Black Bean Enchiladas

Sweet Potato Black Bean Enchiladas

These sweet potato black bean enchiladas are flavorful, rich in protein, fiber, vitamin B and C, and calcium.

Makes: 4 Servings

To make these Sweet Potato Black Bean Enchiladas, you’ll need:

  • 8 corn tortillas
  • 1 c enchilada sauce
  • 2 medium sweet potatoes
  • 1 c cooked black beans, drained and rinsed
  • 1 clove minced garlic
  • ½ c diced red onion
  • 1 tsp ground cumin
  • ½ tsp chili powder
  • Salt and pepper
  • ½ c shredded Monterey Jack cheese (or vegan alternative)
  • Optional: Fresh chopped cilantro

  1. Preheat the oven to 375°F.
  2. Lightly grease a 9×13-inch baking dish with oil.
  3. Peel and dice the sweet potatoes.
  4. Boil sweet potatoes for about 10-15 minutes or until tender.
  5. Drain and move to a mixing bowl.
  6. Add beans, diced red onion, minced garlic, ground cumin, and seasonings to the bowl with the sweet potatoes. Mash together.
  7. Warm tortillas in the microwave or on the stove if desired.
  8. Spread 2 tablespoons of the enchilada on the bottom of the baking pan.
  9. Place a spoonful of the sweet potato black bean mixture onto each tortilla.
  10. Roll tortillas and place fold side down in baking dish.
  11. Pour the remaining enchilada sauce on the rolled tortillas.
  12. Sprinkle with shredded cheese.
  13. Cover the dish with foil and bake for 20-25 minutes.
  14. Remove foil and bake for an additional 5 minutes or until golden brown.
  15. Optional: Garnish with cilantro

Chicken Salad Wraps w/ Greek Yogurt

Chicken Salad Wraps w/ Greek Yogurt

These wraps are a refreshing alternative to a traditional chicken salad. Since they’re made with healthy Greek yogurt instead of mayonnaise, they reduce saturated fat and sodium while adding healthy fats and protein.

Makes: 4 Servings

To make these Chicken Salad Wraps w/ Greek Yogurt, you’ll need:

  • 4 whole grain tortillas
  • Lettuce leaves
  • 2 c cooked shredded chicken breast
  • ½ c plain Greek yogurt
  • 2 Tbsp diced red onion
  • ¼ c diced cucumber
  • ¼ c diced red bell pepper
  • 2 Tbsp chopped fresh dill
  • 1 Tbsp lemon juice
  • Salt and pepper

  1. Combine shredded cooked chicken breast, greek yogurt, diced red bell pepper, diced red onion, diced cucumber, chopped fresh dill, lemon juice, salt, and pepper. Mix well.
  2. Line whole grain tortillas with lettuce leaves.
  3. Add chicken salad mixture tortillas.
  4. Roll tightly to form wraps.
  5. Slice the wraps in half diagonally.
  6. Serve and enjoy!

Portobello Mushroom Burgers

Portobello Mushroom Burgers

These burgers are a vegetarian-friendly alternative to beef burgers made with tasty portobello mushrooms. By eliminating red meat and swapping in mushrooms, you’ll reduce cholesterol risk while adding flavor, B-group vitamins, selenium, and zinc.

Makes: 4 servings

To make these Portobello Mushroom Burgers, you’ll need:

  • 4 whole grain hamburger buns
  • 4 large portobello mushroom caps
  • ¼ c balsamic vinegar
  • 2 Tbsp olive oil
  • 2 cloves minced garlic
  • 1 t dried thyme
  • Salt and pepper
  • Burger toppings: (e.g., lettuce, tomato slices, red onion slices, avocado slices, mayo, ketchup, mustard)

  1. To make a marinade, whisk balsamic vinegar, olive oil, minced garlic, dried thyme, salt, and pepper in a bowl.
  2. Marinade the portobello mushroom caps in the mixture for 30 minutes. Flip them after 15 minutes.
  3. Preheat a grill or skillet over medium heat.
  4. Remove the portobello mushroom caps from the marinade.
  5. Shake off any excess marinade.
  6. Grill for 4-5 minutes on each side
  7. Place mushrooms on buns and add toppings.
  8. Serve!

You Can Eat All Your Favorite Comfort Foods While Staying Healthy

You Can Eat All Your Favorite Comfort Foods While Staying Healthy

Unhealthy fats and processed foods can sometimes contribute to feelings of sluggishness, as well as excess weight, risk of heart disease, diabetes, depression, anxiety, and more. Choosing healthier, nutritious alternatives can help you feel better, both physically and mentally. When you consume nutrient-packed ingredients like veggies, lean proteins, and whole grains, your body gets the fuel it needs to function at peak levels – and you’ll be much happier with how you feel and how you look.

Although traditional comfort food is often high in fats, sugars, and processed ingredients, there are ways to make them healthier so that you can enjoy them guilt-free. Put simply, healthy comfort food is indeed doable. With a little creativity in your cooking methods and your ingredients, you can enjoy the comforting flavors you love while still nourishing your body. Just be sure to focus on portion control when indulging in all of your favorite meals.

For more information about staying healthy, tune in to the Arizona Gynecology Consultants blog. If you’d like more personalized recommendations for improving your health and losing weight, please request a consultation with our team today!

Healthy Snacks

Healthy Snack Ideas That Won’t Break Your Diet

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Many factors can make or break a diet’s success, but a primary concern for many of us is what to do when hunger creeps up between meals. You may also find that even though you are eating healthily and getting regular exercise, your energy levels are low, and you are in need of a pick-me-up at certain times of the day. Unfortunately, many people are accustomed to consuming readily available, highly processed snack items or fast food out of habit. If you’re eating low-carb to lose weight, it’s crucial to have something healthy on hand to curb cravings.

If you are looking for healthy snack ideas that won’t ruin your diet and fall into the low-carb category, you aren’t alone! Many people look to low-carb diets to jump-start their weight loss journey, control blood sugar spikes, and create healthier eating habits centered around whole, unprocessed food that provides the right fuel for their bodies. Low-carb diet plans are popular and effective because they typically promote weight loss without drastically reducing calories, improve HDL “good cholesterol,” and can help your body balance its blood sugar. The tricky part is finding snacks that are low in carbohydrates, tasty and satisfying, and easy to prepare, transport, and reach for when you need them.

Fortunately, there are many delicious snacks that you can work into your daily routine that will support your health goals, even if you’re a vegetarian. Snacks that offer protein, healthy fats, and small amounts of healthy, non-processed carbohydrates can pack a nutritious punch while giving your body a boost of nutrients. Arizona Gynecology Consultants has gathered an extensive list of the best healthy snacks for weight loss so you can stick to your diet even when hunger and cravings crop up.

Best Healthy Snacks for Weight Loss

Exploring Menstrual Product Basics

If you’re on a low-carb diet and find that your stomach is rumbling a couple of hours after a meal, a mid-morning or afternoon snack can still be on the menu. Healthy snacks for weight loss generally fall under 200 calories, and for low carbohydrate plans, it’s important that they’re high in protein and healthy fats to fill you up and counteract cravings. Snacks with a combination of fiber, protein, and healthy carbohydrates will ensure you feel satisfied without becoming sluggish or falling victim to the crash and burn that accompanies high-sugar foods.

One bit of advice to start with is to choose foods you already enjoy that are full of flavor and abundant in nutrients. If you are willing to try new things, that’s wonderful, but start with a small amount in combination with something you already find palatable. That way, if you don’t like the new option, you don’t wind up in the lurch with nothing in sight until mealtime.

So, What Snacks Can You Still Eat While Dieting?

There are actually a variety of snacks you can eat while dieting that fall into the low-carb category. For fiber, nutrients, and healthy carbohydrates, think of fresh fruits and vegetables that you can prepare and take with you to work, in the car, on outings, and wherever else your day takes you. Fresh fruit will satisfy sugary cravings, while veggies are there to satisfy with their crisp crunch and hydrating abilities, giving you fullness without bloating and empty calories.

Still, other low-carb snacks can be found in protein-rich foods like nuts and nut butter, protein bars and shakes, eggs, seeds, and even meats like beef jerky and smoked salmon. Read on for an extensive list of delectable low-carb bites for in-between meal times, post-workout, or even social events!

Low-Carb Snack Ideas

Hopefully, your low-carb meals are packed with protein, fiber, healthy fats, and hydrating nutrients – but if you need to fight a craving or satisfy a few hunger pangs between meals or after a workout, here are some delicious and easy-to-prep options for snacking:

Hard-Boiled Eggs

Packed with protein and easy to prep and store, stash one or two hard-boiled eggs in a cold bag if you need to eat them away from home or on the go. If you find them bland on their own, add a dash of salt and pepper and even mix up the experience by smashing them in a bowl with another food or a condiment such as hot sauce, avocado, or a sprinkling of cheddar cheese.

Nuts and Nut Butters

Mixed nuts, especially lower-carb ones such as macadamia nuts, are a satisfying and high-protein treat. If you enjoy nut butter, look for all-natural, no-sugar brands that will give you all the taste and none of the unhealthy additives. Nuts are easy to grab on the go, and many brands of nut butter now come in single-serve packs for spreading on fruit and veggies or eating solo.

Raw Vegetables

It couldn’t be easier to prep some raw veggies like celery, red peppers, radishes, and carrots to add to your snack stash. These are great options to keep your crunchy cravings satiated and to add nutrients and hydration to your daily routine. You can munch these to your heart’s content and not worry about calories, and it’s fun to experiment with different low-carb dips to add even more flavor.


Berries such as blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, and raspberries are nature’s candy and truly a delight. Best of all, they’re much lower in carbs than most fruits. Add a dollop of heavy whipping cream or a scoop of cottage cheese if you need a bit of protein, and let the natural sweetness satisfy your snack attack.


Olives are rich in vitamin E, a natural antioxidant, and delightfully salty and rich tasting. You can eat them on their own or crush them into a tasty tapenade with capers, garlic, and olive oil for a creamy, low-carb dip or spread.


Smoked salmon and tuna are excellent sources of protein and nutrients for a low-carb snack. Both can be eaten on their own, or you can easily blend with a bit of low-carb mayonnaise, chopped celery, salt, and pepper for a tasty salad. Enjoy these options wrapped in lettuce or alongside raw veggie sticks.

Beef Jerky

If you love a salty snack, look for beef jerky that is low in sugar or with no added sugar to keep your carb count low. Beef jerky is a chewy and satisfying way to get quick protein during the day and satisfy any errant cravings or hunger pangs between meals.

High Protein Dips

Plain cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, heavy whipping cream, and no-added-sugar nut butter make excellent low-carb dips in moderation. If you find yourself wanting to try new tastes or add extra flavor, opt for dips like tzatziki (Greek yogurt and cucumber dip) and garlic aioli. Or, experiment by adding condiments to your dips like hot sauce, salsa, flavored olive oil, cinnamon, protein powder, or chopped olives.

What Can I Snack on All Day and Still Lose Weight?

Snacks that you can eat while dieting

If you notice you are hungry between meals and need something to stifle cravings, reach for snacks that are high in protein, fiber, and healthy fats. These foods will help fill you up so you don’t feel uncomfortably empty between meals. They will also give your body a burst of nutrients to keep your energy levels consistent and your blood sugar from spiking and dropping.

One key factor in sticking to a low-carb diet plan is to plan ahead. Make sure you have plenty of easy-to-grab, pre-cut fruits and veggies in the fridge to pop into an insulated bag for work, errands, or other events, and stock your pantry with mixed nuts, nut butter, beef jerky, and dried fruit. Whenever possible, opt for fresh produce, but shelf-stable types can suffice in a time crunch.

The Healthiest Foods To Snack On

Snacks offer you the opportunity to add more whole foods to your routine and to develop a taste for fresh, nutrient-rich foods–even ones you haven’t tried before! Keep an open mind when it comes to fruits, veggies, and foods that are high in fiber and protein. If you find avocado or hard-boiled eggs too bland, consider adding some salt and pepper–or even mixing them with a favorite seasoning! If certain fruits don’t fill you up, try switching to water-rich vegetables to get a boost of hydration and quell hunger pangs, all the while paying attention to how your body responds to its new fuel.

Switching up your snacks is also essential. Our brains crave novelty, so if you find yourself sighing in boredom over the same old snack of cashews and carrots, try out a new protein bar or switch to grapes and Greek yogurt to soothe your thrill-seeking urges. Dieting is all about creating and maintaining new, better habits that promote sustainable goals. As you make more and more progress in your weight loss journey, you will begin to equate your food choices with your slimmer physique, higher energy levels, and other positive effects on your body and mind.

When Junk Food Cravings Strike

Junk food cravings strike for a variety of reasons, some of them due to lifestyle habits you may not even be aware of.

To avoid falling victim to sudden urges for empty calories, try the following things:

  • Plan ahead for meals and snacks
  • Eat more protein and fiber
  • Hydrate more often
  • Don’t skip meals
  • Get plenty of regular sleep
  • Grocery shop on a full stomach
  • Practice mindfulness during meals
  • Unwind and de-stress for at least
    a few minutes each day

Cravings are completely common and not a sign of weakness; they are rather a signal from your body that it is missing out on something to help it feel better, more balanced, and self-regulated. Explore ways from the list above to make your body feel healthier, and you will no doubt see your cravings begin to dissipate.

Healthy Snacks That Fit Your Weight Loss Goals

Snacks that help with your health goals

Snacks are not the enemy, even if you’re on a low-carb diet plan. Your body is a dynamic and ever-changing entity whose needs shift due to a variety of factors. The only thing you need to focus on when it comes to snacking is whether or not the food you reach for will fuel your body with protein, healthy fats, fiber, and nutrients.

At Arizona Gynecology Consultants, we know how important it is that women have accurate information about how to support their weight loss goals and create sustainable healthy habits. A healthy body, inside and out, can not only enhance your physique but can also complement your mental health and other aspects you may wish to improve upon, such as blood pressure and energy levels.

If you are ready to reach out to our professional medical staff at Arizona Gynecology Consultants, do not hesitate to contact our Phoenix or Mesa locations to schedule an appointment in person or via telehealth. Your well-being matters to us, and we look forward to helping you on your weight loss journey.


  1. Hofmann, S. G., & Gómez, A. F. (2017). Mindfulness-based interventions for anxiety and depression. Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 40(4), 739–749. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28316796/
  2. Blanck, P., Perleth, S., Heidenreich, T., Kröger, P., Ditzen, B., Bents, H., & Mander, J. (2019). Effects of mindfulness exercises as stand-alone intervention on symptoms of anxiety and depression: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 115, 37–48. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6462429/
  3. Goldberg, S. B., Tucker, R. P., Greene, P. A., Davidson, R. J., Wampold, B. E., Kearney, D. J., & Simpson, T. L. (2019). Mindfulness-based interventions for psychiatric disorders: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Clinical Psychology Review, 59, 52–60. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30836763/
Beginner's Guide to Keto

A Detailed Guide: Keto Diet for Beginners

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A lot of questions rise related to a ketogenic diet, especially a keto diet for beginners. If you are looking to find a diet that supports a healthy lifestyle, includes tons of meal options, and allows for long-term consistency with weight loss or maintenance goals, the keto diet can be a great choice. The keto diet (and its variations) is a highly popular way to achieve health goals appealing to athletes and non-athletes alike. However, keto can be a bit intimidating for new adopters. If you are considering adopting the keto diet, we’ll help you learn all you need to know about getting started and tips for how to thrive while changing your diet to meet keto standards.

This beginner-friendly guide is great for anyone looking to embark on a keto diet. You’ll learn what the diet entails, what foods are sanctioned, and what foods are not. Furthermore, you’ll discover how to thrive during the first week of keto, so you can make those first few days easier to manage and your adjustment to the diet less stressful.

What Is the Keto Diet?

The ketogenic or keto diet consists of a very high-fat diet that is also very low in carbohydrates. This combination of low carbs and high fats helps many people shed excess body fat while staving off hunger which is a very common occurrence in other weight loss plans. A ketogenic diet is also great for helping individuals with metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes improve their health.

When you eat a ketogenic diet, your body is forced to burn through the fats in your diet to create fuel to power your daily activities. This occurs in place of burning the carbs that are usually used for the process. When you adopt a keto diet, you are essentially telling your body to run on fats instead of sugars. When your body begins to burn fats instead of carbs, you enter a state known as ketosis.

What Is Ketosis?

Ketosis is one of the most important concepts of a ketogenic diet. The metabolic state of ketosis occurs when the liver takes the fats from your diet and metabolizes them into tiny molecules of energy, also called ketones. Ketones are used by the brain and other bodily organs to perform the necessary functions of daily life.

Your body typically prefers to utilize blood sugar or glucose for energy. However, during ketosis, the body pulls the majority of the energy needs from the ketones because your carbohydrate levels are greatly reduced. To reach a state of ketosis, most people must eat 50 or fewer grams of carbohydrates a day. However, the carb intake needed for ketosis varies for each person; for some, the number may be as little as 20 grams of carbohydrates per day.

To induce ketosis, the keto diet encourages the elimination of carbohydrate-dense foods, including:

  • Legumes
  • Grains (rice, pasta, cereals, white bread)
  • Candy
  • Fruit (small portions of berries are allowed)
  • Potatoes
  • Sugar-sweetened soft drinks and other beverages sweetened with sugar
  • Sugar-sweetened condiments, like barbecue sauce, honey mustard, and ketchup

When followed correctly, the ketogenic diet can be highly beneficial, but it is not an easy lifestyle change for many. To help, we’ve compiled the following information to assist beginners as they make the necessary steps to transform their eating habits from carb-filled to ketogenic.

Keto Diet Foods

Guidelines: Keto Diet for Beginners

Fats, Carbohydrates, and proteins are known as macronutrients, and each one has a unique effect on the process of ketosis.

This is because these three macronutrients are digested differently and have separate effects on blood glucose levels.

  • Carbs raise both glucose levels and insulin levels and are considered 100% non-ketogenic. Therefore, carbs must be drastically reduced or eliminated from the daily diet for the body to reach ketosis.
  • Proteins are both ketogenic and non-ketogenic in composition. Over 50% of protein derived from food is turned into glucose in the bloodstream and raises insulin levels.
  • Fats are 90% ketogenic and 10% non-ketogenic. This makes fats the optimal choice for a ketogenic diet because non-ketogenic nutrients can be converted from triglycerides and glucose if the brain needs them.

Once you understand the role of each of these macronutrients, you can begin to understand how ketogenic foods work under the basic guidelines of a ketogenic diet.

Below are five basic steps for implementing a keto diet plan that will help you simplify the process as a beginner.

1. Determine the Fitness Goals You Want to Reach

This step is vital no matter what type of diet you are beginning, but it is especially important for a keto diet because the nutrient requirements are fairly strict. The first step you want to take is to identify the personal reasons you believe keto is for you. Defining your why will help you focus on the lifestyle changes involved in moving towards keto. Your why will also help you decide how you will measure your progress to see if your dietary changes are paying off.

2. Calculate Daily Calorie Goals

Once you have determined your primary health goals, your next step is finding out how many calories you need each day to reach your goal of losing, gaining, or maintaining weight. There are several ways to easily calculate your daily caloric needs, including online calculators and fitness and wellness apps. You can also speak to your doctor or a nutritionist to set healthy caloric goals.

3. Calculate Your Macronutrients (Macros)

In addition to setting a target number of daily calories, you must also find your ideal macronutrient consumption amounts, also known as calculating your macros. This will tell you how many grams of protein, fat, and carbohydrates you need to consume to maintain ketosis each day. How many carbs you can have a day on keto will be determined by the type of keto diet you choose and what your body’s unique needs require from your diet. It is crucial to maintain your carbohydrate intake each day to reach ketosis.

Being strict with your macros helps you maintain ketosis and reach your goals.

For most people adopting a ketogenic diet, the breakdown of macros is as follows:

  • 70% of daily calories from fat
  • 25% of daily calories from protein sources, and
  • 5% of daily calories from carbohydrates

Your current level of fitness, metabolic health, and other individual factors will determine the exact percentage of macronutrients you should consume.

Ketogenic diet breakdown

4. Plan Your Menu

Once you know your goals, calculate your daily calories, and determine your daily macronutrients, the next step is planning your menu with low-carb recipes. Before you start piling on heavy foods like cheese and bacon, take into consideration the quality of the high-fat foods you will consume on keto.

You must think about your overall health and incorporate nutritious foods that will also help you meet your daily intake needs. A keto diet should be much more than a weight-loss plan—it should also contribute to your overall well-being. If you fail to eat nutrient-rich foods, your goals will be much harder to reach. Eating a nutrient-rich low-carb diet will also ensure you have energy, stabilize your mood, and lower hunger and food cravings—all things that will help you stick to a ketogenic diet.

5. Be Consistent With Your Goals

It is important to understand that planning your keto menu is the start, but sticking to eating according to your ideal calorie and macro levels is how you reach the finish line. You also must stick to your keto diet for more than a couple of weeks to see results. Consistency is key.

Willpower will help you with your goals, but you must dedicate yourself to developing healthy habits over time. Your success will rely heavily on you making healthy food and fitness decisions for your long-term wellness. You don’t have to stress yourself to maintain perfection, but you do want to focus on being consistent if you want to see progress. Sticking to your dietary goals consistently will pay off if you keep going.

One thing to note—don’t allow a day of not hitting goals to deter you from your long-term progress. Each day is a new opportunity to make healthier decisions!

Why Beginners Adopt a Keto Diet?

Weight Loss

This is the most common reason for someone to start a ketogenic diet. If your goal is to lose weight, maintaining a calorie deficit is key to your success. When you stick to your weight loss goals using keto, you will see weight changes. These may come as a lower number on your scale and/or a change in how your body is shaped (body composition).

Improved Performance

For athletes and others looking to naturally boost their energy levels, keto can be used to help increase efficiency and performance. If you want to see a positive change in your energy levels with keto, you must focus on timing your nutrient intake and getting enough nutrients. You can measure improved performance by assessing your fitness performance and/or testing for metabolic efficiency.

Improved Health

While improved health may seem like a given, it is a very valid and common reason for choosing a ketogenic diet. Due to the ketogenic diet’s restrictive nature, getting adequate amounts of nutrients can prove challenging. To see improved health on a ketogenic diet, you should focus on consuming nutrient-dense foods. Measuring progress for your improved health can be done through a health assessment (biometric testing).

Keto Foods

Are There Different Types of Keto Diet?

When you follow a keto diet, your body goes into the metabolic state of ketosis. This is where your energy gets pulled from the stored body fat to run effectively, usually within four days of beginning the diet. Before you begin making dietary changes, you must understand that there are several different versions of the diet that are differentiated by the proportion of protein, fat, and carbs allowed for daily intake.

The following are the four common types of keto diets you can follow:

  • The Standard Keto Diet (SKD) – The standard ketogenic diet requires low carb intake, moderate protein intake, and high fat intake. The typical macronutrient for a standard keto diet is 20% protein, 10% carbohydrates, and 70% fat.
  • Cyclical Keto Diet (CKD) – The cyclical ketogenic diet requires cycling days of high carbohydrate nutrient intake (known as “refeeds”) with typical ketogenic days.
  • Targeted Keto Diet (TKD) – The targeted ketogenic diet makes allowances for carbohydrates before or after intense exercise.
  • High-protein Keto Diet (HPKD) – The high-protein ketogenic diet is similar to the standard keto diet, but the protein intake is higher, usually a ratio of 5% carbs, 35% protein, and 60% fat.

The standard keto diet and the high-protein keto diets have received the most scientific attention, likely because they are the most commonly used methods. The targeted and cyclical diets are newer variations of keto, mostly used by bodybuilders and athletes.

intense exercise

What Should I Do During the First Week of Keto?

The first week of your keto diet can be challenging, especially if you are transitioning from a much less structured way of eating. The nature of the keto diet requires many people to make lifestyle changes that can feel a bit overwhelming early on. It is vital to remember that keto, like many other diets, requires an adjustment period. This is where your body will make a huge shift from using dietary sugars for energy to using fats for energy, leaving you feeling a bit under the weather.

The “Keto Flu” is a real possibility, but with the proper preparation, you can overcome it and thrive in your first week. If you do feel a bit under the weather, the flu-like symptoms may last several days. With your keto-approved menu and consistency, you can make your first week a positive experience.

In addition to eating your menu of keto-friendly foods, you should also use these keto diet tips for your first week.

  • Hydrate. Switching to a ketogenic diet will cause your body to lose the excess water stored from your former diet of high carbs and sugar. Drinking plenty of water or taking sugar-free electrolyte supplements can help your body adjust to changing water levels.
  • Focus on hitting your calorie and macronutrient requirements. Get enough protein and fat to reach ketosis, and you will feel better and less hungry.
  • Get adequate fiber. You want to maintain your gut health to avoid gastrointestinal issues, so consume your greens. Having a salad each day can help you feel full and keep you from becoming bloated or constipated.
  • Limit pre-packaged and processed foods to stay on target for your carbohydrate intake. Hidden carbs can throw off your macros and prevent you from reaching ketosis, so it is important to limit the amount of sugar you consume if you want to be successful in your first week.

Drink Water

You Can Kick Off Your Keto Diet and Find Success

The switch to a ketogenic diet should ultimately be seen as a lifestyle change that will lead to long-term health and wellness. Set your goals and make a plan to be consistent but give yourself grace as you transition into a new way of using food for fuel. The tips from this guide can help you go from a beginner with keto to a successful keto lifestyle in less time and with less difficulty. You, too, can reap the benefits of ketosis and healthy weight management.


  1. https://doi.org/10.3390%2Fnu13051654
  2. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00027/full
  3. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK499830
Healthy diet for Women

What Is a Healthy Diet for Women These Days?

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It’s frustrating enough committing to a different lifestyle without having to wade through all the latest health fads and misguided quick-fix diet advice. Is it no-carb, low-carb, or all carbs this week? It may be best to leave these trends behind for good. To live healthfully, you need to understand two main concepts. The first is that healthy living is a long-term lifestyle, not a short-term fad. To achieve long-lasting results, you need to be prepared to be committed. A quick fix is simply that — quick. A lifestyle change is where you achieve lasting results that you can remain confident in. The second concept is understanding YOUR own body. Healthy eating for women is simply not the same as it is for men. Our bodies simply have different needs biologically. These unique needs will help to shape how you achieve your healthy living lifestyle.

Healthy Eating and Diet Tips for Women

The foundations of healthy living are quite simple. Many of us have grown up with the food pyramid, and even though its exact structure could now be up for debate, the main concepts remain. There are certain food groups that must be favored over others for a healthy diet. You often hear that moderation is key. While that may feel cliché, it simply is true. Healthy living does not mean that you need to always refuse yourself a treat. Yes, have that glass of wine sometimes. Yes, go out for taco Tuesday once in a while. While you shouldn’t feel as if you can’t enjoy life, understanding your basic necessities is the key to keeping everything balanced.

Eat More Vegetables

Eat More Vagetables

It likely comes as no surprise that veggies would be at the top of your healthy eating necessities list. And the more colorful varieties of veggies you can introduce to your day-to-day meals, the better! Now more than ever, veggies are ridiculously approachable. It is now increasingly difficult to not find cauliflower wings as an option in many restaurants. From cauliflower pizza crust to wings, fries, and sides, even noodles — veggies are easier to hide than ever, so if you aren’t a huge fan, there are still ways to sneak them in.

You can never go wrong swapping your carb-heavy option like pasta or pizza crust with a much healthier vegetable option, plus there are lots of other ways to get in those veggies. Something as simple as blending some spinach with your morning protein shake can give you a veggie boost you may not normally get into your diet. It is recommended that you get at least 2-2.5 cups of veggies a day. Just try to avoid added salt!

Add Healthy Proteins

Another basic component of healthy eating is protein. This important nutrient gives you energy to get through the day and helps you to feel full. There is nothing worse than feeling like you’re starving yourself, and with the right dietary choices, you’ll never have to feel that way. When it comes to proteins, it may also be some simple switches that can really improve your healthier choices.

For example, to many people, bacon may be a difficult meat choice to let go of. By making a simple switch to turkey, chicken, or vegetarian bacon, you can still enjoy your breakfast meat while improving your sodium as well as calorie intake. Meats such as chicken and turkey are naturally lower in fat and can be used as amazing alternatives across the board for many recipes. Don’t forget about the many amazing plant-based meat alternatives too. It is recommended that you have 5-5.5 ounces of lean protein foods a day.

Healthy Proteins

Get A Healthy Balance of Fats, Carbs, and Dairy

A Healthy Balance of Fats, Carbs, and Dairy

If a diet is telling you that you CAN’T have something, it probably isn’t the healthiest when it comes to life-long results. All the elements of the pyramid matter; you simply have to balance them appropriately.

When possible, whole grains can make a great alternative to your traditional breads and pastas. It is recommended that you have 3 ounces of whole grains a day. Examples of this include whole wheat bread, wheat-based cereal, and whole-wheat pasta (don’t forget about veggie pasta, too!), brown rice, oats, etc. You’ll also want to get in at least three servings of low-fat dairy products such as milk, yogurt, or cheese. Non-dairy foods and drinks that are calcium-fortified are also great elements for any method of healthy living.

And what about fruit? Is it healthy? You may have heard conflicting advice, and the short answer is both yes and no. Fruit is an amazing source of vitamins and natural sugars, but we need to keep in mind that it is still sugar. It is recommended that you have at least 1.5-2 cups of fruit a day. This can include fresh fruit, as well as frozen, canned, or dried, but keep an eye out for any added sugar.

What Specific Nutrients Women Need

As previously mentioned, though there are certain tips for healthy living that travel across the board, healthy eating for women has its differences. As women, there are key nutritional areas that we have to pay more attention to.

These can include iron, folate, and calcium.

  • Iron: Depending on the stage of a woman’s life, the amount of iron needed can vary. For example, during your peak fertility years, the amount of iron your body requires is higher than that of women going through menopause. Excellent sources of iron are red meat, chicken, turkey, fish, spinach, kale, and so much more.
  • Folate (folic acid): This nutrient is especially important during your reproductive years. Excellent sources include oranges, leafy greens, and certain types of beans and peas. Other foods that are fortified with folic acid, like breakfast cereals and some rice and breads, are also good sources.
  • Calcium: The benefits of calcium have been pounded into our brains from an early age. Calcium helps with the health of bones and teeth. The best sources include low-fat milk, yogurt, cheese, plant milk, tofu, and dark leafy greens.

What Foods Should Be Moderated

 While you should never feel like you must fully sacrifice anything, you do need to cut down certain things to succeed.

Overall, there are specific areas where moderation really needs to be taken seriously:

  • Alcohol: Long story short, no matter how you like your alcohol, it’s empty calories. Your body isn’t receiving any benefits from alcohol, and excessive amounts can influence negative food choices too. There is nothing wrong with treating yourself to a drink now and again, but keep in mind how easily it can set you back in your healthy dieting goals.
  • Trans fats: Be sure to pay attention to the nutritional label on the processed foods you put into your grocery cart. If you see trans fats, consider placing them back on the shelf. You may see this more often with desserts, frozen pizzas, and other quick snacks found in your freezer section.

Women of Every Age Need Physical Activity

Physical ActivityAnother important factor when it comes to your healthy lifestyle is your level of physical activity. You want to find a balance between your level of activity and what you put into your body. Often, people assume if they work out a lot, they can eat whatever they would like. This couldn’t be further from the truth. These two elements go hand in hand more than you’d think. Even if you are unable to do extensive physical exercise, making small changes can make a huge impact. This can include parking further from the entryway to a store, taking the stairs versus an elevator, or doing a round of squats during a commercial break on your favorite tv show. Every little step throughout the day adds up.

Bringing It All Together: The Best Diet for Women

So, what is the best diet for women?

Enjoy your veggies and find any way possible to sneak them into your meals. Make it a goal to always have something green on your plate. Consider what proteins will work best for you. Are you fueling your body? Enjoy your fruits, carbs, and healthy fats; just moderate them. If you sprinkled cheese on your salad at lunch, skip it on your broccoli for dinner. Make sure that you are paying attention to your specific needs, especially with your iron and calcium. When possible, squeeze in physical activity. These small steps will make a huge leap in your healthy living success.

Women’s Weight Loss and Other Health Services in Arizona

Women’s Weight Loss Services in ArizonaFor expert women’s health services in Arizona, contact us here at Arizona Gynecology Consultants. We specialize in the unique needs for women’s health and provide expert care. If you need help with weight loss or have another specific need, we are here for you. Our weight loss program is individualized for your needs.

Contact us today for more information about our weight loss services here in Arizona or to schedule an appointment with one of our nutrition and weight loss experts.



Change Your Fitness Focus For This Summer And See Better Results

Change Your Fitness Focus For This Summer And See Better Results

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Many women think of the winter as the time to start preparing for swimsuit season in the coming summer, but should looking good in swimwear be the main goal of a new fitness routine? Instead of focusing on looking better in a swimsuit this year, try making a few significant changes that improve your overall health, not just the way you look. In time, making these positive changes will have an undeniably positive effect on your overall health and wellness.

Choosing Wellness Over Aesthetics

Everyone faces tremendous social pressure to look as good as possible. Modern marketing leans toward showcasing models with “aspirational” body types, the type that usually demand hyper-dedicated focus to nutrition and exercise. The average person cannot commit hours each day to looking as good as possible, so focusing health and exercise goals around aesthetics is ultimately self-defeating. However, a few small but important lifestyle changes can have tremendous results that lead to looking and feeling great.

Overcoming Social Pressures For Swimsuit Season

Advertisements constantly bombard the average American from all directions. It can be difficult for some people to recognize unrealistic beauty standards, and overcoming social pressure to look as good as possible can be significantly more challenging for some women than for others. Whenever you decide to make better decisions for yourself, you should aim to improve yourself, not just to earn the admiration of others.

While role models and fitness ambitions can be good motivational tools, they may also lead to self-esteem issues. Avoid trying to model your looks around those of celebrities or fitness models who likely have expensive dietary counselors and personal trainers to help them stay in picture-perfect shape. Instead, look for personal motivations that are meaningful to you, such as being able to keep up with your kids while you chase them around the beach this summer.

Avoiding Unhealthy Fat-Burning Gimmicks And Fad Diets

Avoiding Unhealthy Fat-Burning Gimmicks And Fad DietsThere have been countless fad diets to come and go throughout the years. There are also thousands of supplements on the market that proclaim to boost your metabolism and burn fat with minimal effort. Be wary of these fads and gimmicks. While some fast fat-burning methods may offer seemingly good results in a short window of time, these methods are rarely healthy and more often than not cause more problems than they solve.

Despite the dangers of some trendy diets, others have gained traction due to their objective health benefits and consistent results. For example, the ketogenic diet (also called the “meat and greens” diet or keto diet) essentially requires avoiding carbohydrates and sugars and eating a diet high in animal proteins and leafy vegetables. The keto diet places the body into ketosis*, or the state of burning fat stores for energy instead of deriving it from ingested carbohydrates. This is just one example of a popular diet that is actually worth investigating, and it is flexible enough to meet various dietary restrictions like food allergies or gluten sensitivity.

Balanced Nutrition Is Crucial For Weight Loss

Exercise is a crucial component of any weight loss plan, but nutrition is even more important. Proper nutrition helps the body function better overall. Many Americans do not get the recommended amounts of essential vitamins and minerals from their daily diet, and no amount of exercise can replace these deficits. Vitamin deficiency can lead to increased susceptibility to muscle overextension or soft tissue injuries.

Cultivate Better Eating Habits

Start your summer fitness plan with a thorough review of your current daily diet. The vast majority of Americans do not eat enough fruits and vegetables each day, so consider this a good starting point. For one month, try to add one full serving of vegetables to your daily food intake. The next month, add one more. Within a few months you may notice you have adopted an entirely new eating pattern, and you should start seeing positive results sooner than you might expect.

Drinking more water is also essential to a healthy body. Nutritionists recommend 8 glasses of water every day to maintain your health. With exercising, more may be necessary to stay hydrated. Also, drink water more often to keep from unintentional snacking. You might be actually be thirsty and think its hunger. A few sips an hour should do the trick.

Creating better eating habits does not just mean knowing which foods to add to your diet but also which foods you should avoid. Try to limit alcohol consumption as much as possible and refrain from eating too many fatty, fried, or processed foods. Always opt for lean protein whenever possible and choose fresh vegetables over frozen varieties.

Expand Your Exercise Routine

Starting an exercise routine is relatively easy and can even be fun, but sticking to that routine can be a challenge. If you are committed to improving your overall health and fitness this year but find yourself dreading the next trip to the gym, consider an alternative to your usual workout routine. Instead of running on a treadmill, look for a local park or hiking trail for a new challenge. Look for community sports leagues and try out for a team. Arrange nightly bike rides with your kids. These are just a few examples of great ways to stay in shape outside of the gym.

You can also make small changes to your everyday routine. If possible, consider biking to work instead of driving. Take frequent breaks at work to stretch or even do a few desk workouts during your downtime. Whenever possible, opt to take the stairs instead of an elevator or escalator. These small changes mean more burned calories, and creating a daily calorie deficit is the key to losing weight.

A Caution On Calorie Deficits

A calorie deficit means you burn more calories than you consume in a given day. While the average daily calorie intake for most adults is around 2000 calories, it is always best to consult with a doctor about a healthy calorie deficit range. Too much of a calorie deficit can have serious negative health issues like a compromised immune system and diminished internal organ functions.

Ultimately, bucking the trend of social pressure to look good in a bikini is difficult for many women to overcome, but developing personalized health goals that focus on wellness over outward appearance is ultimately the better choice for any fitness plan this year.